One change to your garden lights can stop attracting spiders
If the thought of bugs – especially spiders – invading your space sends your skin crawling, then there are a few things you can do. Most are fairly cheap and easy to do and could make your biggest fear a thing of the past.
Although many UK spiders are harmless to humans, a build-up of webs in your back garden over time can be unsightly and make your space look unkempt. But, the eight-legged bugs aren’t just looking to admire your choice of decor.
In fact, they’re more interested in what the lights attract. Insects, which serve as their food source, often flock to light sources, making them convenient places for spiders to set their silky traps.
As more of us head back outdoors to enjoy the spring and summer weather, there are some tried-and-true methods that will make spiders think twice about bothering you.
Spiders don’t smell like humans do as they don’t have noses. Instead, they rely on sensory organs in their many legs to detect scents around them.
These are quite sensitive so anything overwhelming will usually be enough to send them scurrying off to become another garden’s problem. Popular scents include anything citrus as well as lavender, rose and eucalyptus.
Most will have heard about this scent-repelling method. It also works indoors to banish wandering spiders thinking about coming inside.
However, you might be able to repel spiders simply by changing your lightbulbs or thinking about this when buying new lights that cannot be swapped so easily. Jon Saeed, managing director of said: “Switching to warmer white LED lights can also make a difference, as spiders and insects are more drawn to bright, cool white-toned lighting.
“Opting for amber or yellow-hued lights instead of stark white or blue-toned bulbs could reduce the number of unwanted visitors. It’s also important to keep your garden lights clean. Regularly wiping them down not only helps with maintenance but also removes any webs, discouraging spiders from returning.”
Keep the areas around your garden lights tidy, Jon warns. He said: “A pile of leaves and debris can be the perfect hiding spot for spiders.
If you’re not in your garden during the evening, consider dimming your lights slightly. Spiders and insects will be more attracted to other areas that are much brighter and lit up.
People should always avoid killing spiders as they play an important role in the ecosystem that is your garden. Getting rid of the natural predators could lead to you being overrun with other pesky bugs.
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